Week 4: Indoor Plants because it's cold(er)

Thursday: I don’t think anyone here understands the large amounts of hate I have for cold weather. There is not a string of words that can even begin to describe my feelings toward it.  So, here are some indoor plants. The first (and the best) plant I would like to introduce you to is my snake plant, Jasper. (Yes, many of my plants have names. Just as a fair warning, some of them are stupid and/or references.) 

Oh, you see those little dried-up flowers? That’s a sign that Jasper is happy. Or, at least he was happy enough to flower during the spring. He is lovely and nothing and no one will ever do him justice. Snake plants do incredibly well with very minimal care. It’s something I love about them. 


Unfortunately, I didn’t have a pen on me. So, pencil will have to do for this drawing. I am completely unsatisfied with how I drew Jasper, but that was expected.

Friday: The Dragon Tree a.k.a. Plant McCartney. I also call him Carter. And Cart. His full name is a mouthful. Feels like overkill to say it over and over again. If you get both references, that’s great. (To make this slightly more fun, I will personally deliver a gold star and a picture of Cart to the first person to comment on the references I’m making. Maybe. We'll see.)

Anyways, he’s hanging in there. 

I had no idea how to draw this. Those leaves make it nearly impossible to properly capture. I reverted to my week 2 habits and didn’t really look at the reference. Oh well. I don’t believe it would’ve helped me anyway. 

Will the plants in the background of this photo be featured? Possibly. 

Saturday and Sunday: Once again, no plants on weekends. Did I figure out how notes on a guitar work? No, not really. I’m still trying to figure it out. 

Monday: This is my jade plant, Bulbasaur. She looks like Bulbasaur. I can’t really describe why, she just does. 

Side note: I’ve always wanted to eat one of her leaves. This image doesn’t fully capture their smooth, glossy texture. They sort of remind me of those fake plastic apples with glossy coatings. I don’t expect it to taste good, but I’m doing it for the texture, not the taste. 

(Attempting to draw a Bulbasaur was an incredibly humbling experience. Oh god, she’s terrifying. I’m sorry.) 


When I was smaller, my parents got my brother and me two betta fish. My brother’s first one died around 24 hours after he got it. (Not his fault, it was sick. He got another one right after.) Mine lived for quite a while. The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I never officially named my fish because I never really liked it. Today was the anniversary of its death. 

Actually, I have no idea when it died. It never meant anything to me. I just choose a random day out of the year to remember it and I haven’t done it yet this year so I chose today. Have a picture of a plant my mom grew from a seed. My relationship with this plant is similar to my relationship with the nameless fish. It doesn’t deserve a drawing. It’s kinda cute, though. 



This is Rashid. He’s probably my most photogenic plant I have. I can’t describe it but he looks eerily perfect. 

Yeah, no, I’m not really sure why it looks like that either. 

Endnotes: Now that we’re more than halfway through, I can say with confidence that I am experiencing this experience. Take that as you will. I still hate drawing (for the most part) and I still love plants. This week was extraordinarily successful at reminding me of how difficult it is to draw plants.


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