Week 5: At this point, it's just rants with a few plants.
Thursday: I’ve used this day-by-day template for so long, but now the days have sort of run into one another. Hopefully, this week will get me back on track. Let’s just pretend for the time being that the days I drew plants are accurately labeled.
How many bugs can you spot in that photo? After looking at the flower for around 15 seconds straight, I was fairly horrified to find that there are, at the very least, five. I’m fully aware that this is nature and there are bugs in nature. Unfortunately, bugs are not my thing.
Just so we’re clear, I’m also asking myself why my drawing looks like that.
Friday and Saturday and Sunday: So Friday managed to slip into my whole Saturday-Sunday break this week. I spent a great deal of time doing things I dislike this week, so I fully believe that I deserved an extra day. (Just so there’s no confusion: I like writing, I like plants, and I dislike drawing.) I find it sort of funny how I jumped into this blog ready to do well and then it all just sort of crumbled halfway through.
So, what did I spend those last three days doing? Well, honestly, I don’t really know. I’m not writing this on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I believe that it involved cleaning. Now, I’m a huge fan of cleanliness and organization but I’m an even bigger fan of the idea that ‘everything has its own place’. Even if that place is on my floor, as a pile shoved against a particular wall. Now, I like the idea of moving that pile, vacuuming under it, sifting through it, throwing things away, and then putting that pile right where it was before. However, I hate the idea of forcing that pile into a tiny drawer for the sake of a faux sense of “organization” where I can’t see it. Why? I will forget about it. Or even worse, remember it but forget where I kept it. This has happened on numerous occasions. I’m missing two very good erasers right now because I caved and shoved them into a drawer. (I think.)
That being said, I don’t live with stacks of random junk piled on the floor and my desk. I just keep the things I will most definitely access at least once a day on top of my desk or in a neat pile near my desk.
Monday: I grew these Purple Hyacinths from bulbs around two years ago. Neither the photo nor the drawing really captures how pretty they were. There’s something incredibly rewarding about watching the roots grow and the flowers bloom.
I always have such a clear image in my head of what I want and then it turns out looking like that. It’s like my eyes and my hands and my brain all have wildly different ideas of what a flower looks like.
Tuesday: My door hinges have the unfortunate habit of squeaking so loudly that my parents and brother know when I’m entering or leaving my room. They are unnecessarily loud and obnoxious and scream-y. It’s annoying, especially if I’m trying to be quiet. So, I cleaned them. I’ve done this periodically for the past few years every time they start screaming again. It’s sort of funny because everyone just assumes that they magically stop making noise.
I’m telling you this because I didn’t draw plants on Tuesday.
This drawing (like all the drawings done this week) was done on the back of a quiz administered by Dr.Boca last year. I got ~5/5. I never really knew what it was like to just get a 5/5. It was always around 5/5. Just once, I would’ve liked to do perfectly on one of those quizzes. That never happened (probably because I rarely adequately prepared for them).
Now, you might be wondering where the drawing is. I did it, but I decided that it only pulled down the original image. There’s a certain serenity that this picture captures and my drawing only drew the attention away from it.
Endnotes: This week completely snuck up on me. I feel like I’m playing catch-up and losing. Oh well. I’ll get where I want to be eventually. This blog has been disproportionately rants, which I’m not too upset about. That’s probably because I’m much better at ranting than I am at drawing. Read the blog I wrote last week if you want more on plants.
See you next week
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